Name | Phone number |
Bojan Batinić, Director of the Directorate for Internationalisation | +385 1 6109 868 | bojan.batinic(at) |
Nada Gregl, Directorate’s Secretary | + 385 1 6106 444 | |
Sector for Investments
Ana Čulo, Head of Sector | +385 1 6109 765 | ana.culo(at) |
Davor Pitting, Sectorial Adviser | +385 1 6109 977 | davor.pitting(at) |
Investors Support Service
Sanja Sić Zagorščak, Head of Service | +385 1 6109 766 | sanja.siczagorscak(at) |
Lana Vukovarac, Head of the Department for Post-Investment Support | +385 1 6106 119 | lana.vukovarac(at) |
Investment Policy Service
Divna Plenča Biloš, Head of the Service | +385 1 6106 238 | divna.plencabilos(at) |
Marko Šilić, Head of the Foreign Direct Investment Screening Department | +385 1 6106 696 | marko.silic(at) |
Department for the RBC promotion | +385 1 6109 765 | oecd-nkt(at) |
Investment Promotion Service
Marko Erdeljac, Head of the Service | +385 1 6109 673 | marko.erdeljac(at) |
Public-Private Partnership Service
+385 1 6109 765 | ana.culo(at) |
Sector for Investment Incentives and Entrepreneurial Infrastructure
Sani Ljubunčić, Head of Sector | +385 1 6106 826 | sani.ljubuncic(at) |
Investment Incentives Service
Ljiljana Zajc, Head of the Service | +385 1 6109 751 | ljiljana.zajc(at) |
Željka Sarađen, Head of the Department for Evaluation of Investment Projects | +385 1 6109 129 | zeljka.saraden(at) |
Martina Vlašić, Head of the Department for Investment Incentives Supervision | +385 1 6106 216 | martina.vlasic(at) |
Tanja Curl Tomac, Head of the Department for Implementation of Investment Incentives Programs | +385 1 6106 902 | tanja.curltomac(at) |
Entrepreneurial Infrastructure Service
Božena Gajica Uzelac, Head of the Service | +385 1 6106 932 | bozena.uzelac(at) |
Branka Bedek Vitanović, Head of the Department for Entrepreneurial Zones | +385 1 6106 736 | branka.bedekvitanovic(at) |
Kole Mihajlov, Head of the Department for Entrepreneurial Support Institutions | +385 1 6106 793 | kole.mihajlov(at) |
Sector for Competitiveness
Jurica Mateša, Head of Sector | +385 1 6106 944 | jurica.matesa(at) |
Strategic Investment Projects Service
Jasmina Raić, Head of the Service | +385 1 6109 875 | jasmina.raic(at) |
Sector for Innovations
Diana Krčmar, Head of Sector | +385 1 6106 809 | diana.krcmar(at) |
Innovation Support Service
Bruno Radojica, Head of the Service | +385 1 6106 350 | bruno.radojica(at) |