April 17, 2023

Allocation of funds for the production of electricity from renewable sources in the manufacturing industry and heating

The subject of the Call for the allocation of funds for the production of electricity from renewable sources in the manufacturing industry and heating industry is to encourage the production of electricity for own needs from renewable energy sources in production plants, as well as in other facilities and spaces connected to production plants. The total amount of grants available for allocation from the Modernization Fund under this Call is EUR 60,000,000.00.

Eligible applicants for this Call are micro, small, medium and large enterprises that, based on the NACE Decision, belong to area C: Manufacturing industry and area D section 35.30 Steam supply and air conditioning.

Eligible activities that can be financed under this Call are:

  • construction of integrated and/or non-integrated photovoltaic power plants in grid operation
  • construction of a biomass power plant
  • construction of a biogas power plant
  • installation of electrical energy storage system (batteries)
  • design supervision and professional supervision of construction and coordination of occupational safety.

Delivery (submission) of the project proposal begins on April 18, 2023 at 9 a.m. The deadline for submitting project proposals is June 19, 2023 by 9 a.m.

Applicants can pose questions during the Call by e-mail to the address: upiti.modernizacijski-fond@mingor.hr with a clear reference to the Call “MF-2023-1-1”.
