Institutional and Legal Framework

Institutional framework

Pursuant to the Act on Amendments to Public-Private Partnership Act (OG 114/18), the Ministry of Economy is in charge of evaluating, approving and monitoring the implementation of PPP projects, maintaining the Register of Public-Private Partnership Contracts, while also transferring knowledge and applying best international practices in the field of public-private partnership.

The Ministry of Economy approves PPP project proposals based on criteria stipulated by regulations in the field of public-private partnership. The evaluation and approval process for PPP project proposals, is the responsibility of the Ministry of Economy, while the Ministry of Finance provides preliminary consent to PPP project proposals regarding their compliance with budget projections and plans, and fiscal risks and restrictions stipulated by special regulations.

The Public-Private Partnership Act does not regulate the procedure for selecting a private partner, but instead refers to the application of regulations in the field of public procurement. Therefore, the Directorate for Public Procurement Policy at the Ministry of Economy also has a significant role in the area of ​​public-private partnership.

The State Commission for the Control of Public Procurement Procedures is responsible for resolving appeals in public procurement procedures, granting concessions and selecting private partners in public-private partnership projects.

Legal framework

The Public-Private Partnership Act (OG 78/12, OG 152/14 and OG 114/18) and accompanying bylaws, regulate the area of public-private partnership in the Republic of Croatia. The Concessions Act (OG 69/17 and 107/20) is also important for the area of ​​public-private partnership, considering the fact that certain types of concessions may have the characteristics of PPPs while the Public Procurement Act (OG 120/16 and 114/22) mostly relates to implementation of the private partner selection process.

PPP leaflet